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Wing foil board Duotone Sky Start 6'7 2024
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Wing foil board Duotone Sky Style 2024

The Duotone Downwinder SLS is a unique board that offers versatile use. You can use it for wing foil, but also downwind SUP foiling. The Downwinder, with its surf/wave and freeride characteristics, will be an excellent choice for riders representing an intermediate level.

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Efficiency is non-negotiable! Duotone has completely revamped Downwinder lineup with three sleek and lightweight shapes, making it effortless to get onto the foil and glide for miles!

Among the earliest projects undertaken by the Spencer brothers, Finn and Jeffrey upon joining Team Duotone was the revamp of the Downwinder shapes. The outcome? Streamlined, rapid, and slender designs that offer efficient gliding, accelerating swiftly with minimal paddle strokes even on small swells. Duotone present four new specialized shapes ranging from the compact 6'4" x 19” and 6'10" x 20” to the mid-sized 7'2" x 21" and the stable 7'8" x 22.5”, available in volumes of 85, 95, 115, and 135 liters.


Featuring a low rocker, elongated outline, and smooth bottom contours, these boards are exceptionally easy to bring up to speed for takeoff. Once in motion, the slender pin tails with prominent rail bevels on the larger models facilitate effortless pumping to lift your board and foil for takeoff. The rounded rails in the nose area minimize the risk of catching and offer precise control, ensuring forgiving and stable takeoffs and landings, allowing you to focus on riding the waves rather than managing your board.

Thanks to their exceptional glide and rapid acceleration, the Downwinder boards also excel as a powerful option for light wind Wing Foiling!

Product highlights


The use of a Carbon PVC Sandwich layer contributes to the board's excellent durability and low weight, guaranteeing top performance for the most demanding riders

Excellent grip

Deck covered almost entirely in EVA foam for excellent grip, comfort and durability


  • OUTLINE - Low rocker, narrow width and stretched outline for maximum glide performance
  • RAILS - Sleek pin tails with pronounced rail bevels (7’2” & 7’8”) for maximum pumping efficiency
  • NOSE SHAPE - Forgiving rounded rails in nose section for neutral steering
  • FLAT DECK - Flat deck for comfortable foot placement and easy stance adjustments
  • BIAX CARBON CUSTOM SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY - Biax Carbon Custom Sandwich Technology with reduced graphic applications for minimal weight and maximum efficiency


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Volume (l)Length (ft)Length (cm)Width (cm)Weight (kg)Foil mount
956'1208515,06Foil Track
1157'2218536,08Foil Track
1357'8233576,74Foil Track
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